Atomic Heart will be launched on February 21, 2023, in the Xbox Game Pass and for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One and PC. The preload is now possible on the Xbox. The video game requires around 75 GB storage area. Players can pick between 4 editions from Atomic Heart and play the video game directly from the day of publication in the Xbox Video Game Pass: The Standard Edition, that includes the video game Atomic Heart-69.99 euros (XGP). The Gold Edition, that includes the video game and the Atomic Pass. Atomic Heart-Gold Edition (pre-order) -99.99 euros. The Premium Edition, which includes the video game, the Atomic Pass, a special digital art book and additional cosmetics. Atomic Heart-Premium Edition-109.99 euros.
Trivia gaming is popular due to being a cheap form of entertainment and education.