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Cod Vanguard: multiplayer revelation: now we know after the revelation

The revelation multiplayer Call of Duty: Vanguard is over, the first big trailer with gameplay is online and some players have already been able to test the next beta, including us in CoD. We show an overview of what to expect.

On November 5 will launch the new Call of Duty: Vanguard and multiplayer is, as always, the centerpiece of the series. Multiplayer has now been presented with a breakthrough and now you can find even more games online beta.

A CoD was allowed to give a few laps in the next beta version of the new CoD and shows you how the most important mechanical work in multiplayer mode Vanguard.


  • Vanguard Multiplayer: All information on modes, numbers of players and new mechanics.
  • General characteristics of multiplayer Vanguard
  • Multiplayer combat modes and rhythm Vanguard
  • Multiplayer Maps Vanguard
  • The equipment and the Vanguard class system
  • All weapons confirmed so far
  • What happens after the launch of Vanguard?
  • Vanguard and Warzone - Anti-Cheat and new map
  • Zombies in CoD Vanguard
  • Completion of the author Maik

We will include the progress of the game here:

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  • Important information about Vanguard:
    • Launch on November 5
    • The beta begins on September 10
    • Beta open on September 18
    • Campaign history 9 minutes

Vanguard Multiplayer: All information on modes, numbers of players and new mechanics.

Although not all details are known multiplayer, but progress our games and give a good idea of ​​what awaits you in the main mode of the new CoD. Well in advance: fans of killstreaks not feel disappointed.

General characteristics of multiplayer Vanguard

To begin, we would like to show you important Vanguard mechanics that have a significant influence on the game:

  • Equipments / classes in Vanguard
  • Killstreaks are returning
  • Details on the movement
  • Details of the shooting
  • Set crossed Vanguard
  • Destructible Environments
  • Information on the minimap
  • New types of ammunition

How does the equipment work in Vanguard? The composition of your team works one to one as in Modern Warfare 2019. You choose a primary and secondary weapon, and then choose three advantages have a primary Granada and tactics.

You can customize your equipment in the gunsmith. However, instead of 5 accessories can screw up to 10 weapons accessories in Vanguard and thus suit your style of play. Details on the compilation of equipment can be found below in the article.

10 slots for accessories for each gun and can occupy.

What about scratches? In the previous period there were signs of a system run scoring, but Vanguard actually has bouts of deaths again. The current CoD (Cold War) is based on a point system to bring this powerful team players. Now it is over kill again.

Every death without dying takes you up the ladder of the spate of killings and gives you a powerful military equipment that can unleash against your enemies. The gusts are already available in beta version you can also be found below in the charging system Vanguard.

What to know about the Movement? For the mechanics of movement, Vanguard is based on proven features Modern Warfare and returns the tactical sprint to the game. This is a short sprint that makes you run faster for a few seconds, but it also means you need a little more time after the sprint to shoot again.

For more experienced players, a change in the interaction of the tactical sprint and cancellation slip should be interesting. With a particular sequence of inputs, you can interrupt your slide in the current CoD titles (Cancel). This also resets the recovery time tactical sprint and can return to the tactical sprint immediately after a canceling slip. But now there is a brief pause after the second Slide-Cancel before your character returns to the tactical sprint.

What to know about the shootings? The fact that a renewed use Vanguard CoD MW engine also has an impact on gunplay. Reminiscent of Modern Warfare and all the weapons we tried were easy to control even without accessories. However, it remains to be seen whether it will remain so until the launch. Adjustments may still be here.

But what it is certain: return blocking arms. You can place your equipment in edges or walls and reduce recoil. As a new option there is also Blind Firing. Therefore, you can shoot behind cover without having to venture outside the cover completely.

Is there a crossover game? You can return to play with friends on other platforms. Vanguard supports cross game for PlayStation 4, PS 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and PC.

What about destructible environments? Vanguard takes destructible environments to the next level in Call of Duty, but these are minor details. You can go through some walls, doors or fire destroy plaster walls. But these rare destructions ever have too big an impact on the game.

Some things can be done bombing, but the wall will not disappear.

How does the minimap work? When enemy fire their weapons not silenced, you can not see enemies directly on the minimap. Then it works in a very similar way to Modern Warfare. However, there is an advantage Radar which also shows enemies without silencer on the map.

What to know about guns? There is now a separate holding slot types of ammunition. Therefore, you can use subsonic ammunition to avoid a ping on the minimap. But there are also explosive munitions that cause environmental damage or decaying munitions really shake your opponent when they are beaten.

multiplayer combat modes and rhythm Vanguard

What the pace of combat is? According to the state, Vanguard dispenses a big way Ground War CoD MW or Associated Arms Cold War. Different rules apply in these modes and there are many more players on maps. Vehicles also were a problem in these modes mega.

Vanguard is a different way: each mode and each map can degenerate into such a big battle. That is the new Combat Pacings

  • Tactical: CoD players experience classic 6v6
  • Assault: between 20 and 28 players on a map
  • Blitz: between 28 and 48 players can accelerate on a map
  • The exact number of players depends on the map.

You can use a filter to select the rhythm you want and this mechanism converts a deathmatch small team in a chaotic slaughter reminiscent Shipment or Nuketown even on large maps.

During our session we could try the tiebreaker lightning speed and play modes patrol confirmed death, team deathmatch and domination with many players in normal maps 6 to 6.

On the maps we tested this resulted in a much greater speed and was especially good for large maps. You're not moving until the first enemy appears in your crosshairs and an enemy can always come from behind, because with 24 enemies always have someone with you walking the long way.

The new patrol mode was a special experience. A whole platoon of soldiers dragging slowly behind point and enemies and friends flock from all directions to the target point for constant skirmishing. If nearly a dozen players are at the point, the series of high casualties are guaranteed if you find the correct line of fire.

Here an enemy kills half of our team in the event with a magazine.

What classic modes in the game We have already discovered some of the classic game modes?:

  • Team Deathmatch
  • Death confirmed
  • Search and destroy
  • Dominance

But we have not seen a couple of game modes known as Position. There was also no trace of the hardcore mode. It is currently unknown whether the modes are in the game after launch. But the least Hardcore should find its way to Vanguard as there are players who just want to experience CoD in hardcore mode.

What new modes in the game? At the launch of Vanguard will be at the least 2 new modes. The Champions Hill tested in the Alpha and positional variant Patrouille.

Champions Hill is a kind of tournament. You go into the game with 12 lives team and you have to assert yourself against opponents that change regularly. If you lose all lives, you're out of the game. There are a total of 8 teams and equipment that still stands at the end wins. There is also a cash system which can improve your weapons and equipment.

The patrol is an area that earn points if a player on a team is in the area. But unlike the position where new points again and again, point runs incessantly appear on patrol. A new approach mode, which can lead to a series of nasty murders, especially with lightning pace.

Vanguard ### Multiplayer Maps

How many maps there at launch? Compared Cold War, CoD 2020, Vanguard shows maps for launch. 16 6v6 maps should be in the game at the beginning, twice the predecessor. In the beta version could be played 4 of the standard maps.

  • Hotel Royal - Map of hotel medium in size and 2 levels in the heart of Paris
  • Gavutu - Map of large islands in the Pacific
  • Red Star - Map of the big city in the snowy Stalingrad
  • Eagle's Nest: small map at the top of a mountain in the Alps (The Kehlsteinhaus in Berchtesgaden)

Then there are the small maps Champions Hill, reminiscent maps shootings in terms of size.

Is there a structure 3 lanes? You could see a clear system of 3 lanes in the 4 cards shown. Royale Hotel was a bit out of place because you could walk on the ceiling and, therefore, there is another battle line available, away from the lower rails. But overall, CoD relies again on the old concept with 3 lanes.

What about vehicles? In any mode on any map played and looked great vehicles for boarding. It is still not possible to say whether this will change something when it is released.

The equipment and the Vanguard class system

How does the gunsmith in Vanguard? The gunsmith reminiscent version of Modern Warfare and dispenses again exhibits too detailed values ​​of weapons. But you can place up to 10 accessories for weapon and put your style of play on the weapon:

  • mouth
  • To run
  • Visera
  • axis
  • Lower Course
  • magazine
  • Type of ammunition
  • sort out
  • ability
  • Team

If you use the weapons in the game, you level and get more accessories. In the beta, the maximum level is 30 and there is a test for each level. After the launch, some weapons will even offer more than 70 different accessories.

Points instead of percentages: Vanguard once again reveals fewer details about the prices of weapons.

What advantages already known? The benefits are also an important issue, since these passive skills can have a great influence on the style of play, but also the game itself. Previously known advantages are listed by category:

  • Extra 1 - Blue
    • Spirit: protection against discovery when moving
    • Enhanced: reduces damage from explosives and helps with regeneration.
    • Inconspicuous: immune to the effects of penetrating insight
    • Survival Training: resistance anesthesia immune gas
  • Extra 2 - Red
    • Warning: if the enemies you come out of the field of view, the field of vision press
    • Radar: Enemies appear on the minimap when fired without silencer
    • Forward data: larger minimap enemy reinforcements shown
    • Tracker: Enemies leave traces briefly
  • Extra 3 - Yellow
    • Demolition Squad: Granada additional primary and throwing path
    • Fast Pace: Double tactical sprint and crouch 30% faster
    • Strategist: Emits a tactic Granada every 30 seconds.
    • Overkill: takes 2 main weapons

Kill Streak What is already known? We had a total of 10 killstreak available for testing. There may also be more options here in the finished game:

  • Location / 3 deaths: radar just for you
  • Supplies / 4 deaths: random streak deaths drop
  • Spy Plane / 4 deaths: radar for the whole team
  • Plane counterintelligence / 4 low - interrupted enemy radar
  • Glide bomb / 5 kills - controllable pump from a great height
  • Killbringer / 5 kills a type of mini-gun with explosive projectiles
  • Shot mortar / 5 deaths: the marked area is attacked
  • War Machine / 7 deaths - grenade launchers do not lose
  • Flammnaut / 9 deaths - protective suit with flamethrower
  • Dogs Attack / 10 deaths: dogs attack your enemies

What field upgrades are already known? Vanguard has also returned to the field upgrades. These are small teams with a cooldown you can use faster with the deaths. Thus it enters into play mechanical creep of the dead silence, but armor plates are also available in Vanguard:

  • Safety Supply Provides ammunition and equipment.
  • Plate Armor: gives body armor.
  • Goliath - Mini tank explosive to go yourself.
  • Directional microphone: shows nearby enemies on the minimap
  • Total silence: steps briefly silent, guns and death with a knife reset the timer

All weapons confirmed so far

  • assault rifles
    • STG44
    • Burst ITRA
    • PUB
    • NZ-41
    • PEOPLE
  • Machine guns
    • M1928
    • STEN
    • MP 40
  • Shotguns
    • Shotgun with rotating barrel
    • Automatic Shotgun
  • LMG
    • MG42
    • DP27
    • BREN
  • DMR
    • M1 Garand
  • Sniper's rifle
    • Rifle three lines
    • Kar98k
  • Pistols
    • Submachine gun
    • RATT
    • 1911
  • Pitcher
    • Bazooka M1
    • Panzerschreck
  • Close Combat
    • Combat knife FS
  • Primary Equipment MK2 fragmentation Granada *
    • Pump Gammon (Granada Contact)
    • Cocktail Molotow
    • Payload
    • Termite
    • Throwing knife
  • Tactical Team
    • Smoke Granada M18
    • Granada stun No. 69
    • Gas ​​MK V
    • To stimulate
    • S mine 44

These are all weapons that were available in the beta version we tested.

What happens after the launch of Vanguard?

What's next after launch? No specific ads for content after the launch. But Vanguard has already promised to bring content after the launch. It has a system similar to that of the last two CoD Modern Warfare and Cold War season. Then there is:

  • New cards
  • New modes
  • Fresh reproduction lists
  • Limited time events
  • Seasonal events
  • Celebrations Community
  • and more

The content costs something new? You get relevant content for the game totally free after launch. You must first unlock new weapons, but no pay wall that deter you unlock them.

When the first season start? There is no information to respect. If you are like in previous years, the Season 0 will last less than a month and the first season will begin with new content in early December.

Will there be a battle again pass? A as in the Cold War and CoD MW, Vanguard will bring a battle through the seasons. A change of playing time and experience points, you can play many cosmetics here.

However, the pass costs if you want to unlock all items in your inventory. Some levels are free, and new weapons. But most are for Premium Pass holders. You can find out if the system is useful for you here:

Almost Useful Warthunder Knowledge CoD Warzone: What does really Pass battle and who is worth?

Vanguard and ## Warzone - Anti-Cheat and new map

How will collaboration with Warzone? Everything goes like last year with the Cold War. Vanguard Warzone and fuse and share the stations after the transition. The Warzone theme away from the Cold War to the scene of the Second World War and the content of the Pass battle and cosmetics work both CoD. In addition, Vanguard weapons are also used in Battle Royale.

Old content cosmetic Cold War and Modern Warfare remains in the game and can also be used in Warzone. With the first season of Vanguard, it ends the life cycle of Cold War.

In addition, developers have already announced that Warzone get a new map and new anti-trap system with the introduction Vanguard Vanguard. However, not yet been fully clarified if it will be a large map that will replace Verdansk or a small map of the Island of the Renaissance as in the integration of the Cold War.

What can currently only speculate: How will they continue ranges of the season? With Cold War there was a new system that increased the range of maximum prestige in every season and offered more range than ever. It is still not possible to say with certainty whether there will be a full reset to 0 or ranges exist prestige.

When fuse Warzone and Vanguard? One can only speculate on this at the moment. Last year, Cold War and joined Warzone the beginning of Season 1. This scenario is also conceivable this year, making it likely beginning in early December.

What else is known about the connection between Warzone and Vanguard can be found here in the overview:

With CoD Vanguard, Warzone finally brings what everyone wants: anti-traps and new map

Zombies in CoD Vanguard

? What do you know about zombies Still not much information on the slaughter of the undead in Vanguard, except:

  • There will be a zombie mode in Vanguard
  • The Treyarch developer retains mode control
  • The story revolves around the story behind the zombies of the Cold War.

As soon as you know more about the living dead in Vanguard, you will find the most recent information here at CoD.

Conclusion of the author Maik

* Conclusion - * Vanguard finally seems to realize that the maps are becoming too large ****

Vanguard is already the third annual cod that accompanied with CoD and I have never had such good sensations as with the last title. I was already convinced in advance that Vanguard would be really great and good and the first parties have strengthened me even more.

In recent years, the cod paid became less interesting for me because the maps became increasingly larger, but 6VS6 was still on the agenda. I enjoyed Modus's snacks with more players in small maps and, otherwise, it was often in Shipment or NuKetown.

But with Combat Pacing now I hope to play Call of Duty as I like, with more players at all times. Apart from the tactical mode Search and destroy.

Attempts to establish a big mode in Coll have never convinced me. Whether it's Earth Guerra in Cod MW or Combined Weapons at Cold War. But being able to address the normal modes and maps with more players adapts exactly to my liking.

Then there is the Gunplay and Movement of Cod MW that I prefer and everything fits for a good hype.

Maik Schneider Independent writer in CoD

CALL OF DUTY: Vanguard has revealed details about its main mode and is directed to the next generation. You have to wait for the full launch until November 5, but the beta version already offers enough content so you can go at full speed for 1 or 2 weekends.

All about the content and the most important dates of the beta and the open beta can be found here: cod vanguard: beta starts with 6 modes in 5 maps - all dates


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