Flash (The Flash) is a US TV series created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns, simultaneously distributed since October 7, 2014 on the CW network in the United States and Canada on the CTV (or CTV Two) network For the first four seasons, then on Netflix from the fourth season. It is based on the character of DC COMICS Flash / Barry Allen, a superhero created by Robert Kanigher, John Broome and Carmine Infantino. This is a series derived from the arrow television series. In France, the series has been broadcast since October 8, 2014 in the original French subtitled version on the video on-demand service MYTF1 VOD and since July 1, 2015 in French version on TF1, Quebec, since June 26, 2015 The video service on request Club Illico then from May 3, 2016 on AddiKTV and Belgium, since November 22, 2015 on both. It remains unpublished on Swiss television.
The Universe of Wonder Woman has just nubia\-and-the-amazons-2&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjs3ZmAluTzAhUyqJUCHSAHBLgQFnoECAMQAg&usg=AOvVaw0B9SWVG-Z377r8UvaeNqlg" title="expanded with the launch" rel="nofollow">expanded with the launch of the first volume of nubia & the amazons that went on sale this week presenting for the first time to a trans black.
The story begins with a flashback of the arrival of Nubia A Temiscira , where we are taught the well of souls through which women killed by man s violence in the world Renace with a new life between immortals.
Of the well, five new sisters are reborn, who wake up without knowing who they are, where they come from and where they will come. After receiving them, and considering the roles they will have between the Amazons, the time they decide their names at the Royal Palace. It is then when BIA expresses how she carries her all the life of her waiting for that moment.
We did not want to make an ad because we wanted to present the character in an organic way, but it is not a secret! , Explains Vita Ayala , comic book, via Twitter, indicating that if people have not Understood that it was a trans character, they would have been assured of letting it know.
We Didn t Want to Make Announcement Because We Wanted To Enter The Character In An Organic Way, But It Is Not Secret! We Are Glad People Picked Up on It, But If Y All Hadn t We Would Have Made Sure To Say It So It Wasn t Hand-Twaveable Subtext! https://t.co/xshp5wgblv.
- ✊ ?????????????????????????? Ayala ???? ️ ???????? (@definitelyvita) October 21, 2021
If you have read Nubia & the Amazons 1 , The answer to your question is yes, says Stephanie Williams, also comic bookwriter: Hay Amazonas Trans. One of the new Amazons is a Trans black woman .
Stephanie Williams continues to explain in that twitter thread the importance of the representation of diversity and acceptance in the temisira that is taught in nubia and the amazons : temiscira is a place for all women .
In addition to being very important the arrival of BIA to the universe of Wonder Woman today, with this series are also making new doors for future generations that want to continue exploring this universe from other perspectives.
BIA will have a role in Temiscira beyond simply existing, Confirms Williams, is not a box to mark, is a full-right character that is important for your community. Like black trans They are important for us in real life .
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