The Sizzling Spice summer event is live Monster Hunter: World . Players participating in the seasonal event can perform exclusive quests for a unique armor to add to their collection all year round. One of the quests available for the event is to recover light beads, and you must get eight. You can find them in the Highlands Coral.
Light pearls are located in specific places of Coral Highlands. The first location is outside a Tzitzi-ya-ku lair in Zone 7. The second is in Zone 6, and you have to go underground and look next to a waterfall. The final location is in Zone 11. You are not looking for pearls, but oysters that contain pearls.
You can do it with additional members of the group, which shortens the entire process. The more players you have to help you, the more you receive beads by oyster, but even when you do this for yourself, it's a reasonably fast quest.
Once you're done, you can return to the blacksmith to make your new Faux Kelbi head-up head. You will need award-winning skin to manufacture it, a master rank object that you can get by accessing the iceborne expansion.
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